You know the importance of marketing your Virtual Assistant business. You may even have written a marketing plan and are now implementing it. But is simply marketing your VA business going to bring you the results you need? Do you have a way to measure the success of...
CREDIBILITY = BUY YOUR SERVICES Many decades ago, the only way to network to prospect clients was via a local event, tradeshow or gathering. Today, with social media, finding clients is as commonplace as brushing one’s teeth. It does not have to be a daunting task,...
If you’re just starting out, or you are finding that you’re short on funds, you may need to find ways to market your virtual assistant business on a shoestring budget. Just because it’s inexpensive doesn’t mean it’s not effective, though. In fact, some of the most...
Word-of-mouth marketing is the oldest form of marketing that exists, and it’s still very effective. In fact, one of the best ways to get more clients for any business owner is to increase your word-of-mouth marketing efforts. People trust hearing from those whom they...
In order to create a better service based business you really need to know who your audience is and what they are all about. One of the easiest ways to find that out is by studying your competition since they deliver the same or similar services as you do. This due...
Don’t you hate it when you see those commercials offering new customers huge discounts over what you are now paying as a long-term customer? Apartments, cell phone companies, and cable companies are especially guilty of this practice. This is why people often do not...