The demand for Virtual Assistant services is continually growing! Why? Simply stated, more and more people are starting up home businesses nowadays to supplement their income or to replace their 9-5 job. These new business entrepreneurs are finding themselves in two...
Working from home as a Virtual Assistant can offer a host of advantages to both employees and businesses. Virtual Assistants can set their own schedule and pace, work when they are most productive, and enjoy independence and autonomy. For businesses, working with...
One of the most ‘interesting’ aspects of being a business owner and working from home is keeping things running smoothly. Things just have a tendency to get in the way when you’re at home. And these minor bumps in the road, while they can’t distract a motivated and...
Networking with other Virtual Assistants who are doing exactly what you are doing is a genius way to share and learn from each other. Hanging out with others of like-mind can boost your confidence, increase your knowledge in the business and who knows, you might make...
As a service provider, online marketing is a necessary part of your Virtual Assistant business. Without it, you risk running out of clients and will lack the ability to grow your business. Unfortunately, many business owners are so busy providing their services that...