I recently spoke at the Niche Affiliate Marketing System Workshop (NAMS) and I was asked to write down my secrets to success to share with the attendees.

NAMS is fast becoming the premiere event in the U.S. where expert instructors actually teach students to build businesses in just three days. I highly recommend you attend the next NAMS workshop if you can.

And if you can’t attend? Then at the very least, invest in your business by getting the NAMS4U 2gb Flash Drive containing all the recordings, text material and more.  It retails for a ridiculous bargain of $297. But until the 51 Custom Flash Drives are sold out, you can still order these for just $97 which is a real steal.

The Secret To My Success

The secret to my success came to me from a cereal box of all places. Some people claim high power people like Donald Trump or Oprah have given them the secrets to success. To me it came from three little Elf Chefs named Snap, Crackle and POP.

It’s quite simple, you don’t need to work out long complicated plans and flow sheets.  It all comes from inside, and you just need the tools to get started, after that the wheels of momentum and the knowledge of experience (whether gleaned from self experience) take over.

So let’s get back to my three little friends from the Kellogg’s Rice Krispies box…

ricekrispiesSNAP! This is easy to understand, you have the dream, you have the skills, and you have the desire to change your life. So … SNAP TO IT!  It won’t happen until you start, and has been said by someone wiser than I, “All journeys start with a single step”.

CRACKLE! Ok, I changed the word a little, but you need to CRACK the whip every day. Rome wasn’t built in a day, but seeing as you’re most likely starting your empire alone, you need to crack the whip on yourself every day, especially when it seems that the building process will never stop.  Little secret here, it won’t. Because as with Rome, you’ll always need another street or another shop, or most likely, in your case a another website!

POP! He’s a little different as he is the anchor in your marathon to the top and he has several jobs for the long haul. So let’s break POP down to its core.

P is for Perseverance.  You have the passion, now believe in yourself enough to persist through the tough days, there will be many, but the rewards will come.

O is for Outsource. You know what you’re good at so outsource the rest, there is no point you spending time on something you don’t like or know how to do. Do what you know how to do and love doing best, and get others to do what they’re good at.

P is for Populous. Surround yourself with people that think the way you do (This does not mean find “Yes Men” either). This means find people with similar skills, to learn from, with similar dreams to aspire with and similar goals to work towards. And don’t forget to hang with the people you wish to be like one day too!

So go pour yourself a bowl of success, add a little milk, and just a touch of sugar to sweeten it up, and go get em’ Tiger… Oh that’s another box of cereal and other story, but that will come later.