bigstockphoto_keyboard_-_green_key_make_mone_300pxWe have all heard the adage “YOU have to spend money to make money”. Although starting a Virtual Assistant business can be relatively inexpensive, it is important to spend money on those things that will create opportunities for you and your business.

Many forget to weigh the possibilities and simply write off spending money on their business.

Before you say “I can’t afford that” remember, the biggest key in spending money on your business is knowing what you want and the best avenue to get it.

  1. Attending a Virtual Assistant conference or tradeshow will create relationships with peers, open possibilities for joining a multi-VA team, open doors to learning from others who have been where you are.  Examples are VAvirtuosos Seminar Series, IVAA Summit & OIVAC.
  2. Signing up with a Virtual Assistant Coach/Motivator or mentor will get you over a hurdle in your business that is holding you back from reaching your full potential.
  3. Joining a Virtual Assistant association or membership group such as VAinsider Club will give you the opportunity to learn and provide you with RFP possibilities and invaluable templates.
  4. Joining a Virtual Assistant networking group will provide you with the opportunity to meet potential clients.
  5. Having you website designed by a professional will provide you with the professional image that will attract the clients you yearn to work with.

Before you say “I can’t afford it” consider how can you not afford it?

Take some time to create a yearly budget and invest in yourself and your business.