One of the key factors most successful Virtual Assistants attribute to their success is their mindset. Our fears, limiting beliefs, negativity, and lack of confidence can all prevent or hinder us from achieving our greatest dreams. However, challenging your mindset...
The more hours you can bill as a Virtual Assistant or work at home service provider, the more money you make! Ideally, the goal will be to fill your schedule with clients you enjoy working with and who have ongoing work for you to do. Here are a few excellent...
Working from home sounds ideal when you’re a parent, but the lines between work and home can quickly become blurred as multiple schedules and family demands encroach on your business obligations. To keep your work life separate from your personal life,...
I often fly for business and thought I’d share with you some travel tips I’ve learned upon the way that have helped me travel more productively and stress-free 😉 1. Scope the airport terminal for someone interesting to talk to be it a oriented business person...
What’s the first thing you think of when writing with keywords? Probably one of the first is that keywords and phrases are descriptive of the products and/or services you’re writing about. But, what happens in those circumstances where you can’t (or don’t really want...