You know the importance of marketing your Virtual Assistant business. You may even have written a marketing plan and are now implementing it. But is simply marketing your VA business going to bring you the results you need? Do you have a way to measure the success of your marketing? If your marketing isn’t successful, do you know how to find out where you went wrong?
These questions are some of the important reasons why you need a properly set-up marketing strategy plan. A marketing strategy plan will help you gain maximum benefit from your marketing. It goes a step beyond a marketing plan.
A marketing plan describes the activities you are going to do to promote your product or service. A marketing strategy plan establishes the basis for your marketing and provides the goals for all your marketing activities. It gives you a tool you can use to define your market, position yourself, and increase your sales.
Here are some of the things a well-thought-out marketing strategy will tell you. This information will help you gain maximum results from all of your marketing efforts.
1. Describe your Virtual Assistant business and your objectives.
This is where you will write down what your business does and what services (and possibly products) it provides. You will also consider what the goal of your Virtual Assistant business is. When you have established your goals, you will be able to choose marketing activities to help you reach those objectives.
2. Describe your services.
This describes what you do and how you provide your services and products if you have any. It is important to understand exactly what service your business provides so you can tell others about it effectively. This may seem obvious, but many business owners can’t describe exactly what it is they do. Including this in your marketing strategy plan will ensure that you understand what you do and why it’s important, and can relay that information to others.
3. Profile your target market.
Who are you providing your service for? This will tell you who you should be marketing to. Research your market to find out what appeals to them about your product. This will help you market it to them effectively. Learn everything you can about your market so you can speak their language and make sure your marketing is appropriate.
4. Know your business’s role in relation to your competition.
This will help you understand your unique position in the marketplace. Find out how you’re different than your competitors, whether it be stronger or weaker. You can use this in your marketing to make yourself stand out from the competition.
Your marketing strategy plan will provide the goals for all your marketing activities and help you reach them. It will also simplify your marketing because you have done your research ahead of time. For these reasons, a marketing strategy plan helps ensure that you gain maximum benefit from your marketing.
Have you got a marketing plan in place for your Virtual Assistant business yet?
At our VAinsiders Club we have a NEW Training Track to specifically help you with your marketing and/or business plan. As the market leader to the Virtual Assistant industry, one of the questions we frequently receive is “Where do I start my learning process on a particular subject?” To assist our VAinsiders to clarify their ongoing educational needs we’ve developed a truckload of “Virtual Assistant Training Tracks” to illustrate which videos/ebooks/templates/checklists in our VAult fit together to give you the most comprehensive plan for your business development in whatever topic you need (Don’t see a topic you need? Ask us to add it). Check us out by clicking here.