I’ve been getting asked this question every time I turn around lately

Should I be worried about working as a Virtual Assistant during this economic downturn?   NO!!!

Why?  Because financial problems for other entrepreneurs can mean more business for YOU, the Virtual Assistant.

With more and more business entrepreneurs trying to find ways to cut back on hired in-house help to save a bit of their hard earned money, hiring a Virtual Assistant ends up becoming a fantastic option for these entrepreneurs.

With a Virtual Assistant entrepreneurs SAVE MONEY since they don’t have to pay for the office space for that secretary to be in their house/office.  Not to mention all the trivial luxuries of having an employee that they normally have to pay like:

  • computer equipment
  • office supplies
  • software updates
  • administration costs
  • overtime pay
  • UI insurance
  • worker’s compensation
  • retirement plans
  • health/dental benefits


gloomDon’t let this economic downturn send you into a spirally funnel of  endless worry. Instead grasp this chance to market your own wares!

I tend to tell it like it is so don’t take this the wrong way as it may sound a bit harsh to some but…Look for ways your Virtual Assistant business can benefit from the negativity and worries of others in today’s economic downturns.

Now is the time to start rewriting your brochureware, your website content, press releases and articles.  Focus your marketing materials on how a Virtual Assistant can help your business during these hard economic times others are currently facing.

Put on your marketing hat and turn this negative time into a positive time for your business!

Educate your potential clients on the financial benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant for their business needs. Feel free to add our Full-time Employee versus Virtual Assistant cost comparison chart to your website to show your clients their savings of hiring you as their Virtual Assistant.

Before long, you will have more clients knocking on your website door asking you how you can help them save money with their business tasks.  So start singing that song all the way to the bank…Don’t Worry – Be Happy!

To your virtual success…
Tawnya Sutherland
Your VA Expert!