Become a Fully Booked
6-Figure Freelancer
My Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System will teach you how to make $5,000+ per month or more as a freelancer, so you can stop fretting over money and start your journey to financial freedom.
Soooo… you started a freelancing business
But money (or the lack of money!) is stressing you out.
You’re GOOD at what you do and you know in your heart that you’re meant to BE YOUR OWN BOSS, but you aren’t hitting those income goals you set for yourself. You know it’s possible to make $5,000 a month or more as a freelance service provider… so what are you missing?
You wonder if you should be niching down with your services or learning new programs, or then again, maybe it’s your marketing.
The thought of it all is making your head spin.
You became a Virtual Assistant so you could make a substantial contribution to the household income while working from home.
Now you’re still feeling stressed about money, but you’re also overwhelmed about how to make something out of this business.
No matter how many hours you put in, you can’t seem to get ahead, and you’re starting to wonder if it’s worth it at all.
WAIT! Please don’t slam the door on your dream!
I’m here to tell you that if you want to earn six-figures a year as a service provider, you absolutely can. And my internationally-acclaimed training program will teach you how while supporting you along the way.
Ready to change your life?
Turn your freelance hustle into a sustainable
6-figure career.
Introducing the
Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System

This program includes everything you need to achieve business $uccess!
The training modules are designed to be fun (some might say they are actually addictive) and completely non-intimidating. Each one comes with a video for you to watch and an audio file you can download and listen to in the car or on the treadmill. I’ve added oodles of relevant bonus resources that will save you so much time and energy. AND I’ll also give you a nice big workbook that you’ll use to complete your exercises, and jot down your ideas. It will become your business roadmap.
The Virtual Assistant Career Success program is truly the roadmap that got my business up and running. It’s the secret reason behind the success I’ve had.
Kathy Colaiacovo > 6+ figure business owner of Pepper It Marketing
With your investment, you are getting:
A crash-course in business.
Learn how to build a successful business from the ground up with 30 step-by-step modules packed with strategies, skills, and confidence boosters—all at your own pace.
The support of a community.
You’ll get LIFETIME access to the private VAC $uccess Support Community, where you can find help and answers anytime you hit a roadblock during your Virtual Assistant Career.
Your own website.
Two of our three investment options include a fully optimized, responsive website, ready for you to personalize with your branding, logo, voice, and content. Get your virtual business up and running in no time!
One-on-one business coaching.
Your investment comes with at least one month of personalized Voxer support, giving you direct access to a seasoned VA veteran for tailored advice, encouragement, and solutions designed specifically for your unique business journey.
An education in marketing
To achieve six-figure success, mastering the fundamentals of marketing is essential. Alongside dedicated modules on marketing, you’ll also gain access to a wealth of additional training and resources to elevate your promotional efforts.
Personal accountability.
With this investment in your business, you’ll gain the VAC Workbook (100+ pages) to guide your journey, keeping you focused, motivated, and accountable as you work toward achieving your financial and business goals.
The Virtual Assistant Career gave me the push to recognize that I have what it takes to be my own boss.
Jocelyn Reyes – Your Fab VA

Learn the ropes from a 20-year VA veteran.
It was June 28, 1997, just 2 days before my 33rd birthday. I’d just been laid off from my job as VP of a computer service company. The rent was due that week, and there was no money in my bank account. A stressful divorce had recently made me a newly single mother to three young kids, and my support system lived 3500 miles away.
I was feeling quite sorry for myself as I made my way home from the food bank on the city bus. (My car had been in an accident, and I couldn’t afford another one.)
The kids were tired and grumpy that evening, fighting and screaming at each other, and I couldn’t take the stress. I sat down at the table and started bawling.
I didn’t like feeling poor. I didn’t want to rely on the food bank. I wanted to provide my kids with nice Christmases and fun summer vacations. How was I going to find a job that would pay enough to cover the costs of childcare, rent and food, let alone extras?
My pity party was interrupted by one of my kids trying to console me, saying, “Don’t cry, Mommy. It scares me, and I don’t like seeing you sad.”
I made the decision then and there to take steps to change my situation. MY LOVE for those kids was the fuel I needed to move forward.

I started searching for work I could do from home to avoid the high costs of childcare while bringing in some money. While surfing online for opportunities, I came across a website for a Virtual Assistant. She was providing administrative assistance to clients virtually.
I had never heard the phrase “Virtual Assistant” before. But that was something I could do! I set off on a mission to figure out how to start my own VA business, which wasn’t easy.
At the time, there were very few (if any) books or resources out there to satisfy my desire to learn more about virtual assistance. Remember, this was 1997. There was no Facebook yet. Google hadn’t even been invented!
I eventually came across a couple of online communities for Virtual Assistants and they were a wealth of information! That’s where I was able to find answers to many of my questions about virtual assistance and where I would learn much of what I needed to know to launch my own virtual assistance business, Mediamage Business Solutions.
My business allowed me to use my administrative skills to earn a living from home.
Soon, I was making enough money to replace my salary and my ex-husband’s. I was there when my kids were sick, I was able to take them to their activities, and I grew that home-based business to six-figures.

In 2003, I launched the Virtual Assistant Network—an online community where VAs worldwide could connect and learn from each other. I LOVED sharing my secrets and answering questions so much that I just knew the next leg of my journey was going to be teaching others how to start a virtual business in less time and with less stress, in a more structured way.
I’ve enrolled thousands of students in The VAC $uccess System since 2003.
Hundreds of six-figure virtual businesses are operating today as a result of that program. Including the VA business that belongs to my daughter! Yes, she’s all grown up now and running a successful business of her own!
The curriculum in the Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System answers all the questions I had when I was starting my business and many that I wish I’d thought to ask at the time! Every year, the content is updated so the information is fresh and relevant.
I sincerely believe that anyone who follows my system from start-to-finish will be successful. And I want you to be one of those success stories.
Your six-figure career is waiting for you.
You want to grow your business to six-figures and beyond, but you have no idea how to do that. There’s so much information out there that you’re completely overwhelmed and don’t know what you actually need to learn and what’s fluff.
More than twenty years ago, I was a single mother with three young kids and I couldn’t afford childcare. I knew I had to earn a living from home somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. I stumbled upon the Virtual Assistance industry and figured out how to build a successful business that would support my family. Making six figures is possible and by following my program, you can get there.
The Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System has helped thousands of people take control of their financial destinies. Simply choose the investment option that best suits your goal, follow the modules, and take advantage of the coaching and support that comes with your program! If you stick with it, you’ll be golden.

Enroll now so you can stop feeling stressed about money, and start earning that $5,000 per month!
All you have to do is:
- Choose your package
- Follow the steps laid out in the modules
- Live your dream
And I can’t wait to cheer you on!
Virtual Assistant Career $uccess Pricing Options:
One Time Payment
Whether you’re a struggling Virtual Assistant or other type of freelance service provider, or are just starting out, this option provides a step-by-step blueprint to give you the boost you need to turn an idea into a successful business.
Plus some coaching to help you along!

or 6 Monthly Payments of $297
MOST POPULAR! As a virtual business owner, if you are serious about your goal of hitting six figures, your website presence has a big job to do. It must attract and convert the right audience. And it has to look good.
This option gives you everything in the Kickstart package, along with extra coaching AND a website (have you priced the cost of a website lately? This is going to save you hundreds—if not thousands—of dollars), so you’ll be ready to hit the ground running like the boss you want to be.
or 12 Monthly Payments of $447
Every year, I accept no more than 20 entrepreneurs into my exclusive VA Proteges Group. Application is open to any freelancer or service provider (including VAs!) serious about making $5K-$15K per month in their virtual business.
This option includes everything like the training, the website, and the community support, but you also get access to Tawnya (howdy!) for a full year. My kids don’t even get that kind of attention anymore. (Ha ha!) You can be a six-figure earner. I’m proof. And I can take you there.
Curious about what’s inside? Here’s a peek…
Get LIFETIME ACCESS to The VAC $uccess Online Training Center. Start your own virtual business through a series of 30 online modules. Your online training center includes all of the tools and resources you’ll need to go from zero to six-figures. You’ll no longer have to scour the Internet for information. It’s all right here. Watch the videos or download the audio files and listen to them while you’re out for a walk.
You’ll also get an accompanying VAC $uccess Workbook (100+ pages) when you enroll. It’s a fillable PDF, but some people choose to print it to have a paper copy on their desk (you will refer to it every single day!). You’ll complete your exercises in there as you go, and there’s room for notes and ideas so you’ll have one place for storing your business thoughts and plans. That workbook will basically become your roadmap to that financial freedom we all desire!
Building Your Foundation for Success
This is where you learn how to structure your business and how to get control over your schedule so it doesn’t take control of you! We’ll go over time-management, setting up your virtual office space and what you need to get started (hint: it’s not as much as you think).
- MODULE 1: Business Roadmap
- MODULE 2: Why Go Into Business?
- MODULE 3: Time-Management 101
- MODULE 4: Let’s Define Virtual Assistance
- MODULE 5: Your Virtual Office Space
- MODULE 6: Your Business Structure
Finding (and Claiming) Your Space in the Market
In this phase of the system, we talk business names, taglines, and what your visual brand will look like, so that you stand out and attract members of your ideal audience. Speaking of that audience, this is where we figure out who that is! We’ll do an audit of your skills, and determine who to market them to. And if you need some confidence when it comes to approaching those potential clients, no worries! You’re going to learn how to introduce yourself to your ideal customer with confidence.
- MODULE 7: Choosing Your Business Name
- MODULE 8: Your Company Identity (Brand)
- MODULE 9: Know Your Target Market
- MODULE 10: Figure Out Your Niche
- MODULE 11: Introduce Your Business
Learn How to Earn More While Working Less
Many freelancers pick a number out of thin air when it comes to setting rates, and that’s why many businesses fail to succeed. This is where you’ll learn to set your rates strategically, so you can charge what you’re worth and build a sustainable business from your incredible and valuable skills.
Also in this phase, you’ll learn about creating packages so you can boost that income where you want it to be. You’ll also be sorting out how you’ll manage your taxes, and other bookkeeping and legal stuff that is incredibly important. (I know this kind of content is dull, but you have to know it!)
- MODULE 12: What to Charge and How
- MODULE 13: Legal Mumbo Jumbo
- MODULE 14: Bookkeeping is so Taxing
Finding, Keeping, and Wowing Clients
Get ready to become a client magnet because this is where you’ll learn how to find clients, keep clients, and have those clients send you steady streams of referrals for years to come! Learn all about how to sell your services, how to structure your discovery calls and write proposals, and TONS more. If you want the answer to the famous question of: “How do I find clients?” This phase gives you the answer, baby.
- MODULE 15: Zillions of Places to Find Clients
- MODULE 16: Attracting High-end Clients
- MODULE 17: How to Land Loads of Clients
- MODULE 18: Onboarding & Mesmerizing Clients
Creating Your Online Presence
A pretty website is fine and good, but if it’s a website that isn’t planned out and structured properly, it won’t work to bring you business. This phase teaches you everything you need to know before you engage a web developer, or to keep you on track if you’re building your own site.
**NOTE: When you invest in the Excellerate or Dominate package, your website is included!!**
- MODULE 19: Website Prep
- MODULE 20: Website Planning
- MODULE 21: Websites That Attract Clients
- MODULE 22: Website Development
- MODULE 23: Your Website Advantage
Becoming a Marketing Machine
Once you have your website planned out and ready to go, you’ve decided on your audience and the services you’ll offer, you must become a marketer! In this phase, you’ll become savvy in the world of marketing, so that your ideal audience can find you and hire you!
- MODULE 24: The Marketing Attack!
- MODULE 25: Offline Marketing Tactics
- MODULE 26: Online Marketing Tactics
- MODULE 27: Email Marketing – $$$ is in the List!
- MODULE 28: Job Board Success for Non-marketers
Scaling for Long-Term Success
This is where you decide if you’re going to be happy to keep the status quo and make enough money to pay some bills (which is completely fine!), or if you are going to invest in the growth of your business and build a legacy.
- MODULE 29: Scaling Your Business
- MODULE 30: Invest In Your Business
Plus you’ll get these bonuses
1. Private 1:1 Coaching
Depending on which option you choose (KICKSTART, ELEVATE or DOMINATE), your investment includes one-on-one coaching with Tawnya (that’s me!).
The KICKSTART package gives you access to me via Voxer (a free walkie-talkie phone app) for one question a day for a full month. I’m right there at your fingertips anytime you feel like you need some help and you can check in daily with a question about that day’s module!
In the ELEVATE package, you get two private coaching sessions via Zoom and those sessions will be recorded for you to refer back to as often as you like. We’ll book our first session when you start the program to help you get organized and make sure you’re on the right track, and a final wrap-up session when you’re finished! PLUS you’ll get access to me via Voxer for three months! Lots of accountability in this package!
Finally, with the DOMINATE package, you’re getting 12 private coaching sessions PLUS access to me on Voxer for a full year. Coaching is critical for hitting the six-figure mark as a freelancer. In fact, I continue to work with a coach in my business, today! To give yourself the absolute best opportunity to start hitting $5k plus each month, choose the DOMINATE package.
2. Lifetime Access to our Mastermind VAC $uccess Support Forum
The VAC $uccess Support Forum provides a private, exclusive space for aspiring VAs to focus on their business startups. This forum is separate from the VANA Community, offering lifetime access to connect directly with me for guidance and to ask any questions about starting your business. A distraction-free, ad-free environment where you can discuss your startup journey with like-minded individuals in a supportive, inclusive space. Unlike social media groups, our forum is designed to be a dependable, PRIVATE resource that adapts to your needs without the interruptions of changing platform trends. Here, you’ll find trusted support and answers to help you confidently grow your business.
3. A Get Clients Club Membership
The Get Clients Club will help you further land the clients you need to be successful. You can join us on our monthly group coaching calls, access our core Get Clients training series, utilize a treasure trove of business templates and bonus masterclasses on the inside to help you find more clients. There’s even a high-quality job board there, that’s only accessible to members of the Get Clients Club plus a business directory to add your business! Check it out here.
4. Your Very Own Website!
The ELEVATE and DOMINATE packages ONLY include your very own fully functioning responsive WordPress website/blog ready for you to brand with your unique personality, logo, voice, and content. This package includes hosting and the most popular WordPress drag and drop theme around (Divi) with 800+ pre-made designs to choose from. You can be up and running with your virtual business in no time at all.
Choose Your VAC $uccess Plan
You are worth this investment in your career.
You might be thinking that you can’t afford this program, but if you already had the information that’s contained in these modules, YOU could be making $1,000 or more each WEEK! Every day that goes by without this information at your fingertips, is another day you could be on your way to financial freedom.
I, Tawnya Sutherland, promise you that this is the most thorough Virtual Assistant Career start-up system on the market today. If you don’t agree, you let me know within seven days of enrolling, and I’ll give you your money back.
You are meant to do big things in this world.
Don’t let fear keep you from chasing your dreams.
Tawnya’s course will lead you through every aspect of what you need to do to get started and be successful… and I have a great client roster. I couldn’t have done it without this program.
Kate Sullivan – Virtually Connected Solutions
Jaime Lee Mann’s Story…
While on maternity leave with my first baby, it became clear that it would make zero financial sense to go back to working for $11/hour as an administrative assistant, given the cost of childcare. But we needed a second income.
A series of random events led me to the idea of becoming a Virtual Assistant… and to Tawnya’s VAC $uccess System. We were in pretty rough financial shape at the time, and the cost of the program was terrifying. I knew in my gut, though, that it was going to pay off. And my very supportive husband believed me. We scrimped and saved and did without some things until there was enough room on a credit card for the cost of the program. I was determined to prove that it was going to pay off.
I followed that curriculum like it was my full-time job. I spent every spare minute on the forum making connections, finding answers to my questions, and making notes in my workbook. I bought the Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System in February, officially launched that June, and was booked solid with retainer clients by July. The program paid for itself in my first month in business.
Fifteen years later, I’m still self-employed—now as a brand strategist and copywriter. I don’t work for less than $100/hour and I can honestly say I’ve never had trouble finding clients. I’m actually still getting referrals from people I met on those forums! If you follow Tawnya’s system, you’ll be successful. It sounds corny, but it’s true.
Investing in the VAC $uccess System was the best thing I ever could have done for my family and my career.
Tawnya’s program was exactly what I needed to get my business off the ground and growing. In the first week of the course, I landed 3 clients.
Kristi Weaver – Kristi Lee Services
Frequently asked questions
How do I know this is for me?
This program is perfect for you if:
- You’re a freelance service provider struggling to hit your revenue goals
- You are exploring the idea of becoming a Virtual Assistant and want to do it right
- You need accountability, coaching, and support to reach your goals
- You value your time and are sick and tired of wading through Internet search results
- You want to learn how to earn $5k plus per month while working from home
- You dream of financial freedom as a self-employed service provider
If you can follow a plan, this program is for you.
Is there a pricing plan?
Yes. To keep this affordable for you, there is a pricing plan option for the two higher investment options. And, of course, if you put the Kickstart program on your credit card, you can pay that off in installments on your own time!
It sounds too good to be true. Does the VAC $uccess System really include everything I need to know?
It does include everything you need to know! You’ll learn how to:
- Set up your business with confidence.
- Design a marketing campaign that will get you booked solid
- Choose the services you’ll offer
- Find your own service niche
- Set your pricing
- Establish yourself as a GURU in your field
- Spread the word about your business
- Build a loyal base of prospective clients
- Develop a business website
- Work with contracts and all the legalese that ensure your business is safe and secure!
- Gain loyal clients through social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
- Develop your own marketing kit
- Learn how to set up a newsletter list to attract and nurture clients
- Scale your business to increase your revenue stream
If you don’t see something you want to know, let Tawnya know and she will include it in her quarterly update of the system.
Can’t I just figure out all this on my own?
Of course you can. And if you have time to spare, go for it! But if you’re serious about hitting the ground running sooner than later, with all of the right pieces in place, give yourself a break ?
I’ve been where you are and decided to give it a go on my own. There was no training program back in my day to help me start my Virtual Assistant business. It took me 2 years before I was making six figures from my high-paying clients, because I had to learn how to do it all the hard way. Without a roadmap on how to get started, I wasted major time and energy in the wrong areas figuring out how to make this business work when I could have been making money servicing clients. If only there had been a blueprint like this training program for me back then I’d have been up and running in 30 days (with a website!). TRUST ME…don’t waste your time figuring it out! I did that for you.
Why should I choose your training over others I see online?
I’ve been a leader, trainer, and coach in the Virtual Assistant industry for over 20 years, with a track record of helping VAs launch and scale their businesses to six figures. I’ve also been running my own VA business since 1997, so I know exactly what it takes to succeed. Who better to learn from than someone who’s been in your shoes and proven it works? ?
Sadly, over the years, I’ve seen too many “pop-up” VA coaches prey on those eager to get started. Many of these instructors have never actually run a successful VA business, yet they promise the world with flashy websites, TikTok videos, and hollow guarantees. The result? Another person left disappointed and out of pocket.
With me, there’s no smoke and mirrors. I’m an introvert who prefers helping others grow their businesses over performing on social media. My mission has always been to support Virtual Assistants like you, and I’ll be here to guide you for the lifetime of your VA career. I genuinely care about your success because it’s what drives me.
So, take the time to research your options. Ask other VAs which programs they trust. Use tools like Google and the Wayback Machine to check how long someone’s been in the game. For instance, my training site and VA website both show my long-standing commitment to this industry. When you choose me, you’re choosing someone who’s been there, done that, and genuinely wants to see you thrive.
How much time is this actually going to take me?
I’m not going to sugar coat this as it does take effort on your part to successfully launch a business but the effort is so worth it! To have the freedom to work when you want, wherever you want with whoever you want is priceless!
I’ve sold this training program to thousands of people over the years. Most people spend 3-5 hours a day and have a business ready to go within a month. My quickest startup was 7 days while others take 3-6 months. The training is built to work at your own pace as each person’s lifestyle is different.
Can you share more details about the coaching with Tawnya?
Since 2005, I’ve been working with Virtual Assistants (Freelancers and Service Providers like Graphic Designers, ghostwriters, social media managers, etc.) to help them clear the clutter and take revenue-generating ACTION! I’ve personally coached 1000s of Virtual Assistants over the years and I don’t hold anything back with my protégés. I give everything I have and then some. VAs who work with me get the full benefit of my skills, knowledge, years of experience and PASSION for helping entrepreneurs succeed online in this increasingly competitive industry. All of the packages in my VAC offer coaching with me. Read about my coaching in more detail by clicking here.
How up to date is the curriculum?
As the original training program for Virtual Assistants, our curriculum has set the standard since its inception. While it began as a print program, it has evolved to stay ahead of the curve. Every quarter, the modules are updated to reflect the latest trends, tools, and strategies, ensuring you always have access to cutting-edge information.
With lifetime access, VAC owners can revisit the curriculum anytime and continue learning as the industry grows. Many of our members who joined in the early days are still discovering fresh insights each time they log into their member area. It’s a living resource designed to grow with you and your business.
What are the details about the website that’s included?
The website that’s included in the two higher-priced package options comes with:
– 6 or 12 months of free hosting
– Unlimited email addresses
– Installation of WordPress
– Basic Install of DIVI Elegant Theme with lifetime updates when hosting with us.
– Added Plugins: Bloom Email Optin plugin, Monarch Social Media plugin with lifetime updates when hosting with us.
– Learning Resource area for both WordPress and DIVI Elegant Theme.
– Website Forum area to ask questions and get support
– (Must be used within one year from date of purchase)
How long do I have access to your training program?
Having someone (Tawnya your VA Coach) there that’s got your back is going to make it so much easier for you to have a 6 figure income. I for one highly recommend the Virtual Assistant Career training program! Kathy Colaiacovo – 6+ figure business owner of Pepper It Marketing
Final Word
If ever there was a perfect time to put a solid business foundation under your skills as a service provider, it’s now.
I’ve been an Internet marketer since before Google was even around. I know that I should be creating a sense of urgency here, to make you think you have to “sign up now before it’s too late!” To give you a good solid case of FOMO (fear of missing out). But I’m not going to do that because it would be a lie.

The Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System isn’t going anywhere.
I’m not going to create a fake deadline to try and manipulate you into investing in this program before you’re ready. That’s no good for anyone.
The reason I’ve put my heart and soul into this for close to twenty years, is because I care about helping individuals to make a good living from their hard-earned skills.
I have all the money I need. I can spoil my grandkids, treat myself to any handbag I want, and enjoy my collection of expensive toys (like my ‘gotta luv red’ Land Rover). I’m always planning my next adventure to another exciting destination around the world!
I’m still here doing this because I don’t want you to struggle like I did.
This program isn’t going anywhere—it’ll be here six months, a year, even four years from now. If today isn’t the right time for you, come back when you’re ready.
If money is holding you back, I understand. I’ve been there, knowing the struggle of having nothing left to give. But if fear is what’s stopping you, that’s a different story.
The shift to virtual work has changed everything.The pandemic made working remotely a reality for everyone, opening doors we never thought possible. It’s reshaped how we live, work, and dream about our futures.
The truth is, traditional job security is a thing of the past. As a service provider, you hold the reins to your own career. You get to set the rules and chart your path.
I want you to have the tools, the confidence, and the support to make this happen—and not just make it, but thrive.
Let’s get you raking in six figures sooner than you ever thought possible.
To Your Virtual $uccess,
Tawnya Sutherland,
Your VA Coach & Cheerleader
Get your VA business started:
- Choose your package
- Follow the steps laid out in the modules
- Live your dream
Because I can’t wait to see you raking in those 6 figures!
One Time Payment
or 6 Monthly Payments of $297
or 12 Monthly Payments of $447
Tammy Rourk’s Success Journey…
I can’t say enough how being a member of the Virtual Assistant Career $uccess System has literally saved my business!
When I first started, there was, and still is, so much information! I felt like I was drowning and struggled to get air. Most of the information I found was classic text book do this, not that. There wasn’t any practical experience. I needed help from a living person, someone who has been through it. I’ll admit, even after I first joined, I didn’t realize the vast wealth of information Tawnya has to offer!
I was at my wits end, running a business without any clients. I followed Tawnya’s module on landing clients religiously, and even posted goals in our VAinsiders group to hold me accountable. Last month I signed on two long-term clients, and I have a few more I’m following up with now. Everything is looking up!! You don’t have to be alone on this journey. I’m learning from Tawnya’s experiences, and let me just say, I am very glad that Tawnya has made these resources available to help us grow our business!!
Investing in the Virtual Assistant $uccess System is the absolute best thing I’ve ever done for my business, Task VA!